Posts by James Gimourginas

Data protection approaches: How to balance need to know vs. need to share
James Gimourginas, Director of Solutions Architecture and Customer Success, shares data protection approaches to make sure your next blockchain investment doesn't leave you exposed.
Distributed ledger challenges and solutions
Distributed ledger technology solutions can solve complex chain of custody and multi-party data sharing challenges. See use cases for solutions in finance, travel, and supply-chain-driven industries.
Creating a culture of learning
See some of our values in action as James Gimourginas, Director of Solutions Architecture at Vendia, shares the ways Vendia is creating a culture of learning for our colleagues and customers
Understanding shared data architecture
Go in-depth on shared data architecture as James Gimourginas explains what it is, how it works, and shared data architecture benefits, drawbacks, and use cases.
10 ways to make your software better when building for cloud scale
How does Vendia’s team of cloud engineers build for scale? James Gimourginas, Director of Solutions Architecture and Customer Success lifts the hood on Vendia’s best practices.
Real-time data sharing challenges (and solutions)
Examine the fundamental obstacles to successful real-time data sharing, including sharing in a data alliance. Understand traditional solutions and explore a more modern one with Vendia Share.
Understanding API security with GraphQL
Explore common forms of API security, how they specifically relate to GraphQL APIs, and how fully managed platforms like Vendia Share reduce the API security burden often faced by development teams.
API design best practices
James Gimourginas, Director of Solutions Architecture and Customer Success, takes a deep dive into API design best practices as they apply to REST APIs, GraphQL, and API automation.
What does a "lean app" mean for teams?
A look at the lean app approach to development: The principles, features, and benefits that enable better team collaboration, products, and business results.
The 10 data modeling techniques every Vendia user should know
Step up your data modeling game to get the most value from Vendia Share.
Applying Vendia Share smart contracts
Examples of real-time data validation, computation, and enrichment
Improve your data mesh with real-time data sharing
Learn why organizations exploring a data mesh should also consider the benefits of integrating a real-time data sharing solution like Vendia Share.
Multi-party data sharing with control
Learn how Vendia Share's access controls enable trusted and secure real-time data sharing among partners across clouds with insights from our Solutions Architecture team.
Real-Time cross-cloud data sharing
Understand event-driven processing using Vendia Share's new Azure capabilities with insights from James Gimourginas, Director of Solution Architecture and Customer Success.
Vendia's Response to CVE-2021-44228
A note on the impact to Vendia and our customers
Website Case Studies
Learn what Vendia customers and partners are building on the Share platform
Open Beta Changes
Changes to Vendia Share in advance of the Open Beta
Five Leadership Practices of an Ultramarathoner
How to win the long game, as demonstrated by Kevin Durdle, Vendia's Ultramarathoner and Director of Software Development
What's your distributed application maturity model?
A Maturity Model to help you assess the strengths and weaknesses of the distributed applications used by your organization.
Vendia's Inspiring Vision
Vendia will cause a paradigm shift that will impact many distributed solutions, which is what attracted me to join the team.