Bring compliance to sensitive data

Prove compliance for real-time data sharing across partners and clouds.

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BMWAtosFannie MaeAeroMexicoDelta
BMWAtosFannie MaeAeroMexicoDelta

Compliant first. Compliant always.

We built Vendia Share to be out-of-the-box compliant from Day 1.

Built-in compliance

Deliver real-time data sharing across partners with built-in compliance for SOC 2, GDPR, CCPA, CPRA, and PII/PCI.

Complete history

Gain visibility into changes and updates to sensitive data as moves through workflows, clouds, and partners.

Tamperproof and trusted

Vendia Share's distributed ledger technology ensures that the lifecycle and lineage of your data is visible, immutable, and trusted.

Share with control

Vendia Share provides real-time data sharing with fine-grained access control. All updates and transactions are captured in a fully auditable, tamperproof ledger so you can prove you shared the right data with the right people at the right time — every time.

Real-time reconciliation in regulated industries

Financial Services

Deliver trusted reporting and prove compliance on the history of transactions, loans, policies, and more — without all the manual analysis and data gathering.

Supply chain

Gain operational visibility and complete auditing of critical product data as it moves across vast partner and supplier networks in real time.


Ensure the visibility of a tamperproof lineage of any and all sensitive data throughout its lifecycle inside and outside your organization's four walls.


Ensure ATI compliance and customer privacy as data is shared across unique and industry-wide partners, providers, and programs.

Proof delivered in less than a week

Deliver a working proof-of-concept to prove compliance when sharing real-time data, including a partner integration, in five business days.

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