CRM Data Sharing with Vendia Share

Watch the webcast and learn how to get a golden record across multiple Salesforce instances in real time

Sharing data between two Salesforce organizations is a pain. Try to share between three orgs or more...and it's near impossible.

Get the latest on CRM data sharing from Salesforce MVP, Rebecca Lammers at Slalom and James Gimourginas, Vendia's Director of Solutions Architecture. You'll learn how the Vendia Share platform can share data across Salesforce orgs and keep a ledgered, single source of truth for all partners in the data ecosystem. Plus...

  • Five reasons why real-time CRM data sharing among partners is often so complex
  • How CRM data sharing will reshape the industry
  • How customers are using Vendia to share CRM data today
  • Sneak peek at planned features that will make sharing even simpler

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