
Vendia Share feature spotlight

Watch Francine Klein, Sr. Solutions Architect, walk through three of her favorite Vendia Share features: Immutable ledger, metrics, and connectors and integrations.

Francine Klein
Senior Solutions Architect

Last updated: December 06, 2022

Vendia Share feature spotlight

Watch Francine Klein, Sr. Solutions Architect, walk through three of her favorite Vendia Share features released in 2022.

Vendia Share's immutable ledger

Metrics dashboard on Vendia Share

Connectors and integrations with Vendia Share

Developers, try Vendia Share for free

Want to build real-time data sharing apps in record time? We help developers build fast and focus on the unique business logic that matters most to you. Stop spending time on undifferentiated heavy-lifting, and start precision coding with Vendia Share. Download the app, then pick up one of our top Quick Starts and start building.

Francine Klein
Senior Solutions Architect

Francine is a Senior Solutions Architect who enjoys all things data — and she has the personal library collection to prove it. Francine particularly loves to empower companies building data-driven solutions with the right design, architecture, tools, processes, and, of course, people. Catch her as a frequent voice with guests in the Circles of Trust podcast.

Explore more with Francine Klein